sian.grace.carter (me) and A New Perspective

sian.grace.carter (me) and A New Perspective
there lived a 14 year old girl with a competitive drive, loving heart, and a thing for excellence who began keeping a blog



 This past Friday i competed in the local BCIU comp with this kid Noah as my partner, and Jo, Amelia, Casey & Emily, and Nate wer there and a bunch of sevies. Well me n Noah didn't place but it was SO much funnnnn. omg so here are some pictures on from the bus ride home. I wish i could play background music lol. And the only pic of me is of my eye at the bottom lol all the pics of me are on my friends cams


I could use some positive feedback about my poems. I don't even know why I'm posting this no one looks at
my blog anyway. Well like i was saying i could use some support. I'm really proud of my poems and I want
to do something with them. i showed a majority of them to my humanities teacher and she wasn't fond of the
love ones but she doesn't understand. Adults lose a certain sense when they've been thru a certain
percentage of life kinda like us kids don't gain a certain margin of qualities until later in life. Sigh and she didn't
understand my unconditional love poem. She thought I knew someone maybe that was fatally sick but no. it
was a tribute to all the loves of my life letting them know that its unconditional the love i have for them. So I'm
feeling misunderstood right now i guess that's the word for. sigh ugh. i really wish people would look at my
effing blog. i need anonymous feedback from strangers lol.

Darling (april 6th, 2010)

We're under the clouds
Beside summer's homecoming
And the seawater kisses the rocks
Each wave at a time

Not even the morning sky
Can compare to the smile in your eyes
Not even the comfort of June's sand
Can compare to the comfort of your hand in mine

The breeze whispers like background music
Calling us from the radio
Your words turn to lyrics
And embellish my ears with seashells

For a moment my eyes linger
On the pair of footprints
You and I have signed in the sand
And I'm as sure as the sun when I say I love you

poem book update

My latest poem book is coming along. I'm really proud of the poems I've written for it so far. Sigh. I have approx. 25 for it so far and I'll no when I'm finished when I feel I'm finished. I've tossed several titles around in my head for this piece and I think I've got it. First I was gonna name it As Sure as the Sun (and i still think that's a pretty good candidate), then I wanted Houses of My Heart (which is nice but not what i want), now I think I'm gonna name it something Shoebox or maybe just Shoe boxes. Like I said I'll know wen I'll know.

Taboo (april 15th, 2010)

Intricate webs clad in layers of lace
Each foolishly crowds itself in the corners
Waiting for a brave soul to steal from

Creative predators stalk their options
With the intent to keep an undefeated record
Of successes by successing its prey

Alluring interlopers born from the fibers of deception
Hunt behind closed doors
Earning every link that'll form a chain

Greedy shadows kneel in backyards
Cowardly as ever; dressed in advantage
Who strikes only while backs are turned

Sometimes (april 25th, 2010)

I think of you as a scar
Engraved forever on my heart

I think of you as the sky
A void, holding all my trains of thought

I think of you as the morning breeze
Going unoticed until the second you sneak up on me

Sometimes I think of you as love
And sometmes I think of you as hate

You're All the World I Need (april 15th, 2010)

I know that I don't mean that much
To the world
But you mean the world to me
More than the world to me

More than. . .

The song of the bluebird
That holds each morning
Beside my open ears

The savory taste of sugar
Sending a wave of sweet nothings
Along my tongue

The little things in life
We perserve in shoeboxes
Decorated by every moment worth remembering

You mean the world to me
And a thousand worlds more
You're my portrait of love
Which hangs on a wall
In every house of my heart

The world doesn't mean that much to me
Because you're all the world to me


This Week's Playlist

  • vanilla twilight-owl city
  • gravity-sarah bareilles
  • smile like you mean it-the killers
  • take me out-franz ferdinand
  • when the lines overlap-paramore
  • all these things that i've done-the killers
  • crushcrushcrush-paramore
  • the blower's daughter-damien rice
  • when our hearts sing-rush of fools
  • sunday bloody sunday-u2
  • by your side-tenth north avenue

Track Babe

        Track is sooo much funnn. I love it. Especially when it's gorgeous outside. You just feel so carefree and open. It's refreshing. You get to work out, socialize, and train in any event that suits your abilities. It's amazing. And we'll all be toned by the end of the season lol. Just in time for the Shillington Pool b.e.s.t. day. I can't wait. Winter felt sooo long this year I almost forgot how much I loooove the sun. This summer should be pretty interesting this year too because we're embarking on the adventure of moving lol. Can't wait for 9th grade either. OMG there is so much to look forward to. I love warm weather. I'm craving the beach so much right about now....
Cape May

"Let's Blog" lolol

I publish my poems on here more than I actually blog. Lol I literally like just noticed that. Oh well. I am extremely bored. I spent Spring Break doing absolutely nothing, lame right? Well that's not true; we looked at some houses yesterday and we think we've found the one. My sisters and I even have our rooms figured out. This may be surprising but as the older sister I was actually very gracious when we were establishing rooms haha. My room is the smallest, I know you're all very surprised that I didnt fight tooth and nail to get thee biggest room. No thee biggest room went to Liya and Kallan because they're the smallest and wanted to share, hence if they're sharing they need the biggest room. Joi got thee second biggest room. Her's is actually the attic but it's so sweet because it's actually a legit room and it'll be great for sleep overs. My mom is moving into thee third biggest bedroom. I thought it would suit her because it has three windows that bring in a lot of light and my mom is an artist. Then there is moi, I got thee runt of the rooms. But knowing me it'll be the best decorated room <3. Lol.

5 Wishes

One: I wish you could wait for me
Two: I wish you thought about me,
So you could wait for me
Three: I wish I meant something to you,
So you could think about me,
So you could wait for me
Four: I wish you loved me as much as I love you,
So I could mean something to you,
So you could think about me,
So you could wait for me
Five: I wish you knew how much I love you,
So you could love me as much as I love you,
So I could mean something to you,
So you could think about me,
So you could wait for me


I get so tired of tears
They come at all the wrong times
Pooling over the moment
And traveling farther
Than I had ever intended them to

I don't want these tears to be
Because of you
I wish your eyes could change my mind
I wish you had the words
 To make it all transpire to another life

Take the tears and wipe them from the moment
Give them wings
To touch the stars
Maybe they'll join the night sky
And watch over me

Show me what I'm not seeing
Show me what the tears have made me miss

Unconditional Love

I would save you
If God gave me the situation

I would die for you
If there was only room for one of us

Your life means more to me than my own
Because my life is nothing without your's...

I would slip away
For your recovery

I would sacrifice my heart
For your closure

I would reduce my meaning
For your happiness

I would frown
To see you smile

I would cry
To hear you laugh

I would stop my life
To watch you live your's

But I could never stop loving you
Even if you asked me to

For When Giving Up Sounds Nice

Life seems to be getting harder
but what else was I expecting?
I could walk around indifferent
but the hardest part is accepting

I'd rather not deny the truth
I'll face whatever's in the way
What doesn't kill me only makes me stronger
A quote to live by every single day

Life will get harder the longer I live it
but I'll find happiness as long as I give it
The struggles that I find can't hold me for long
and if I follow what I know is right I can never end up wrong

The chances I take might get the best of me but I know who I am
If I can fall I can find the strength to stand
Life can be hard, I expect it to get harder
If I endure every struggle I expect to get farther

Yes, I will cry in my room some nights feeling defeated
and yes, sometimes I might feel betrayed, left out, or cheated
I believe I'll just have to tough that all out and see where it takes me
I'll live life to the fullest and become what it makes me

My Earliest Memory...

               I had just turned 5 years old. 403 Sycamore Road was new to me and I wasn't even of age to have a clue as to what an address was or what having a new home meant. I was on my knees and my chin was resting on my tiny clasped hands that were resting on the window sill as if I were praying. It was the window sill of the large window that overlooked our new front yard, and that could be divided into four seperate panes because it was already marked off that way. This window is a symbol in a whole other story clad in several memories.
              My small 5 year old frame was on its knees. My eyes took in the autumn atomosphere of the world outside this yellow house. The sun was hanging in the west and the buses had collected their students from the lanes of their elementary schools. A yellow school bus drove up until it found itself at the intersection of Slichter and Syacamore. The black stenciled numbers read 2, 5 as in 25 though they were foreign digits to a 5 year old. The words were also nonsensical to my eyes like a lost and ancient language. The words read Governor Mifflin. The bus's personal stop sign swung out and a number of kids, from a generation I might have met or might have not, rushed out. I don't remember their faces I can only remember waiting and wishing for my first day of school to come.

My Future is in the Near Future

        This previous Wednesday I had my conference to schedule my 9th grade classes and I'm really satisfied because I'm scheduled for everything I've mock-scheduled for myself. I already know what I want to do after high school: A four-year college, maybe more but no less, i want to major in literature because writing is my strength, my passion, and my destination. I want to get to the point where I am a well-known author, poet, essayist, etc. Although I wouldn't mind having another job under my belt such as teaching a class, seminar, or even at a local school district, i wouldn't mind being a coach's assisstant for girl's or boy's basketball/volleyball. I plan to be involved in sports when I admit into college. I guess you could say I'm plenty excited that my future is taking shape.