sian.grace.carter (me) and A New Perspective

sian.grace.carter (me) and A New Perspective
there lived a 14 year old girl with a competitive drive, loving heart, and a thing for excellence who began keeping a blog



You're the light
that turns these sparks

They quickly swallow
every bit of reality
overpowering it with fire

The flames tower
touching the closest bit of sky
loving the open air

This heat scorches
every life that stumbles
in it's wake

No amount of water
can estinguish
a flame this blue
this strong

Violent torches
whip heat
into the dense
making it hard to breathe

the smoke suffocates
the atmosphere
draining the oxygen out of it

The sparks
under all the rubble
jump around my feet
burning into my mind
making certain I never forget
the day and hour you stole
my heart

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